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In the Age of Technology, Millennials’ Lives

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Millennials are tech-savvy and consume technology differently compared to the previous generations as they are, in fact, the first generation born in the digital age. In general, millennials will quickly pick-up modern technologies and master them more efficiently than any other generation in the workforce. They can comprehend new business tools even faster than other senior employees, which is a real asset in a fast-paced world with the technology constantly evolving. Millennials prefer an exciting and casual working atmosphere where the expectations are transparent and imbued with truthful contact.

They prefer social networking and text messages while communicating as an instant and rapid means of communication. More structured contact is less favourable to this generation, such as telephone and face-to-face encounters. Good communication also allows them to appreciate their role in the organization and develop a deeper understanding of its values and missions.

Lives of Millennials in Tech

One question beckons most experts, i.e. what do these millennials want from their lives, especially in the tech world. Here we have shared some of the key expectations that millennials have from their lives which they wish to fulfil through tech: –

Impact on the community – This generation regularly quotes positive social change as a top-priority effort in direct protest, against the self-centred millennial stereotype. Millennials are professionally motivated to do more than just churn out a profit. Ethnic and gender equity, climate change, and reforms in immigration and education, all these dominate the list of millennials’ most important social issues. All these topics generate an impact on the community. They want to push development in a general sense and find ways to make positive change. Millennials in the workforce flock to work in organizations with a healthy sense of social responsibility as a direct result. Technology plays a huge role in this scenario. Due to the growth of the internet, the traditional millennial outlook reaches far beyond their immediate local community. The internet has increased information about social, economic, and environmental injustice, and this visibility has sparked a push for action (at least for millennials).

Eager for feedback

Providing direct and regular reviews is another recurring trend in millennial motivation. They are eager to know exactly how they do it, and they frequently want to hear about it. When it comes to success, millennials in the workforce take no joy in ambiguity and become quickly irritated in the absence of feedback. Millennials connect more frequently and, in more ways, than any of their previous generations. They have many interaction channels and a (sometimes comedic) propensity to overshare. Millennials are used to having channels all the time at their fingertips for communication. Their style of communication is “open and frequent,” and they often carry this expectation with them to work. This is where technology comes in hand. Companies can choose different forms of technology to give feedback to their employees.

Versatile office choices

Millennials tend to spend the least amount of time in the workplace when compared to other generations. Millennials actually crave (and in some cases expect) location versatility, not to be confused with a desire to spend less time working altogether. Technology is responsible here because millennials tend to be more comfortable with their gadgets and the technologies that are available through these gadgets. They believe in digital communication rather than face to face communication. This has led to a significant expansion in the workspace sphere as various companies understand the factual shift and accommodate their employees with advancing technological trends.

Developing personality

Herein lie the roots of the millennial trope that is self-serving. Members of this generation are renowned for having a constant eye on personal growth opportunities. In the relentless search of prospects for self-improvement, it is this characterized optimism that spurs millennials. Since millennials in the workforce believe optimistically in a future where they have a real chance of achieving high career accomplishments, they are searching for possibilities that could take them there. Here, technology can be helpful because the internet or at the current juncture, maybe Google, is one of the platforms where people seek personal developments.

Experiences matter

A preference for experience over material goods is consistently stated by millennials. While previous generations consider physical possessions as significant indicators of achievement, millennials in the workforce have a different view, from jewellery to homes to vehicles. Three out of four millennials state that they would prefer to spend money over items, on an experience. This shift of materialism is an optimistic and healthy approach by the millennials who value their surroundings’ individual and social welfare.These were some of the expectations of an average a millennial employed in your workforce. In most cases, it is in the business’s best interest to change the working environment to attract millennials into the workforce. Their aspirations and ambitions are a direct result of the way the world develops. Therefore, adapting to the kinds of changes that millennials promote means advancing in a normal and essential way. You may place the business in a position to stay competitive and effective in the long term by listening and reacting to the suggestions of millennials on what work should look like.


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